The Master of Forensic Accounting has been designed to provide graduates with the most thorough and rigorous preparation available in the investigative and forensic accounting field. Consequently, we expect our MFAcc graduates to become recognized as the foremost forensic professionals in their chosen fields whether those are in forensic accounting practice; or in compliance functions in banks, insurance companies, and brokerages; business valuation; fraud investigation in law enforcement; securities enforcement; or in international forensic roles for the World Bank, The United Nations and its programs, and others.
Our commitment is to provide our students with an outstanding curriculum and expert instructors in courses designed to inform, stimulate and guide their studies. The MFAcc is a 10-course Master’s program in which the first nine courses are offered in the evening, on a live, interactive, web-based, distance education basis, using a problem-based learning model. Students study in teams selected for diversity of experience, so they learn from each other in addition to course materials and their instructors who are leading practitioner experts and academics.
Our Alumni from the DIFA Program are a terrific worldwide resource for networking among themselves, and for guiding current students. Their satisfaction is evident in the positive testimonials provided throughout this website. The MFAcc Program material covers cybercrime, fraud risk assessment and investigation, data analytics and security, fraud prevention, international aspects of crime, and the psychological aspects of white collar crime.
The MFAcc program builds on a well-respected program of strength, with a worldwide appeal, and offers the opportunity to understand, master, and became a leader in forensic accounting matters. The MFAcc has the benefit of a supportive alumni group, of the leaders of the accounting profession, of international accreditation bodies, and of external experts. Hopefully you will explore the MFAcc further and join us.
L.J. Brooks, FCPA, FCA
Professor of Business Ethics & Accounting
Director, MFAcc