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Students are required to complete 10 graduate credits over a 2 year period - these courses run one at a time, each following the next in the order listed. The delivery mode for all but the final MFAcc course is ONLINE SYNCHRONOUS using ZOOM, one evening per week.

MFAcc YEAR 1(IFA190x)


Session: Fall
Instructor: Eckhard Schumann
Credits: 0·5 

Course Description

The intention of the Forensic Accounting & Investigation, Fraud & Cybercrime course is to acquaint students foundational topics that will underpin the rest of the MFAcc Program. 

This course will provide an introduction to the:

  • roles of an Investigative and Forensic Accountant as experts, and challenges involved
  • functional areas of expertise
  • an examination of various aspects of fraud such as legal issues, types and classifications, a structured approach to financial investigations, and specific types of fraud including:  financial statement and other investor frauds, and accounting and procurement frauds. 
  • an introduction to fraud prevention 
  • consideration of loss quantification including types of claims, damage estimations, and an overview of the related litigation process
  • Cybercrime will be introduced, as will the risks and issues it represents.

Session: Fall
Instructor: Simon Castonguay & Victor Neufeld
Credits: 0·5 

Course Description

Fraud Prevention, Risk Assessment & Investigation, Data Analytics & Security will provide a continuation of the examination of fraud, and its investigation, as well as rubrics for the assessment of fraud and approaches to fraud prevention.  The second half of the course will be devoted to an examination of data analysis and analytics in forensic matters, as well as their use in cybercrime, and how computer security can be protected and maintained.  Understanding and the roles required of a forensic accountant in these matters.

Session: Winter/Spring
Instructor: Daniel Tourangeau
Credits: 0·5 

Course Description

This course will cover the recovery of proceeds of crime, the recovery of assets which have “disappeared”, and the international aspects of fraud. 

Specific topics will include:

  • related regulatory and legal matters including use of Mareva injunctions
  • Anton Piller and the Norwich Pharmacal orders
  • data gathering, tracing and recovery methods
  • bribery and corruption of foreign officials (FCPA)
  • avenues of recovery under criminal and civil processes including insurance claims, and the use of the Bankruptcy & Insolvency Act.

Session: Winter/Spring
Instructor: Victor Neufeld
Credits: 0·5 

Course Description

Earlier courses have provided foundational material about what a forensic accountant does.  The Forensic Accounting Professional & Practice Issues course examines the conduct required of a forensic accountant for a successful professional career. 

Important topics and cases cover the cycle of an IFA engagement, including: 

  • the role of and expectations for forensic accountants
  • professional ethics
  • dealing with clients – engagement definition, conflicts, planning
  • dealing with staff – scope of work, supervision, collection and analysis of evidence, file documentation, use of email, drafts; report types, content considerations, and preparation, litigation privilege, privacy; expert witness and similar roles.

Session: Summer
Instructor: Jack Blackier
Credits: 0·5 

Course Description

Forensic accountants are called upon to investigate possible breaches of contracts, laws, or regulations, and to prepare reports that could be actionable in court, if necessary.  IFA 1907H will review relevant laws and court related procedures to prepare the forensic accountant to fulfil their duties without offending legal expectations. 

Specific topics that will be covered will include:

  • employment or labour law
  • family law
  • electronic commerce
  • intellectual property law
  • rules of civil procedure
  • trial and alternative dispute resolution processes
  • remedies and measures of damages, fraudulent conveyances, and assignments
  • criminal law and procedure
  • administrative law 

In addition, a review of corporate governance, and the duties and rights of boards of directors, majority and minority shareholders and others, will be provided.

MFAcc YEAR 2(IFA290x)


Session: Fall
Instructor: Daniel Edwards
Credits: 0·5 

Course Description

Building upon the introduction to loss quantification in earlier courses, the Loss Quantification course will present additional material on:  types of claims; overview of damages; overview of the litigation process; lost revenues; additional costs; inventory losses; expert reports; alleged wrongdoing; methodological and technical issues; personal injury; and business interruption insurance and insurance law.

Session: Fall/Winter
Instructor: Ivor Gottschalk & Nathan Innocente
Credits: 0·5 

Course Description

Building upon the introduction to investigative techniques in earlier courses, the Advanced Forensic Investigation & Psychological Aspects of White Collar course will continue the coverage and introduce topics germane to forensic accountants in the future.  In addition, to build an understanding of the psychology and practices of financial/white collar criminals, current research findings, studies, and examples will be examined. 

Specific investigative matters to be discussed will include:

  • planned bankruptcies and insolvencies
  • arson and murder for profit
  • criminal code frauds
  • structured investigative approaches

Session: Winter/Spring
Instructor:  Daniel Edwards, Adrianne Markell, & Derek Rostant
Credits: 0·5 

Course Description

Forensic accountants may be called upon to be involved in the valuation of businesses and/or the revenue streams and costs related to them.  In addition, they may become involved in assessing, investigating, and/or recommending on bankruptcy and/or insolvency matters.  Finally, a set of advanced loss quantification techniques will be introduced to the extent not covered elsewhere.  The Business Valuation, Bankruptcy & Insolvency, & Advanced Loss Quantification course will provide an introduction to each, and an in-depth examination of important topics and 'real' examples.

Session: Spring/Summer
Instructor: Len Brooks & Jennifer Fiddian-Green
Credits: 0·5 

Course Description

This course will focus on topics with the promise of significant innovative impact on forensic accounting challenges or developments.  This course provides an opportunity for students to research and learn about an emerging issue or area of IFA specialty that is of particular interest to them under the supervision of a professor, and with the mentorship of a professional expert.  Students must deliver a significant publication-ready paper of not less than 50 pages.  The course also covers specific topics at advanced levels such as a comparison of U.S. and Canadian (and Quebec) legal and legal process differences.

Session: Summer
Instructors: Len Brooks, Eckhard Schumann, Derek Rostant, Colleen Basden, Gary Moulton, Robert Thomas, Victor Neufeld & Douglas Smith
Credits: 0·5 

Course Description

Building on the MFAcc program over the last two years, the Integrative Capstone is a course that brings together all aspects of MFAcc online learning in a residency session, and provides the opportunity to discuss these with senior professors and professional experts.  It will incorporate all new aspects introduced in the MFAcc Program. 

Senior professionals provide in residence instruction on complex and nuanced matters that require personal interaction, and instruction including: 

  • interview and interrogation techniques
  • client management
  • interaction with lawyers and judges
  • courtroom procedure. 

The Capstone course concludes with role playing in real client scenarios, and moot court simulations with real judges and lawyers where students give evidence in chief and are cross examined.

— Online Sessions are scheduled from 19:00 - 22:00 EST/EDT 
— Examination dates for classes are TUESDAYS, 14:00 - 16:00 EST/EDT
— IFA2904H Integrative Capstone is an in-person course